Festivity Macaron Dress

I caught a terrible cold last Thursday and have not been able to sew. My second macaron dress was almost completed with the exception of the invisible zipper and the hem. It has been a rather frustrating wait for me, staring at the unfinished dress but not being able to do anything to it until this morning. Here’s my festivity macaron, so named because I thought it would be so appropriate to wear for the next lunar new year celebrations.

I really enjoy the process of making a garment for a second time as it always turns out better technically. I made everything like the first dress with the exception of the pockets. I didn’t include them this time round as the fabric combination has already made the garment rather busy so I wanted the design to be more simple. The top yoke was made with Anna Maria Horner’s Social Climber while the bodice and skirt, Michael Miller’s Ta Dots. I used a solid pink fabric for the midriff band.

While I was unwell and couldn’t work on the dress, insecurities crept it as I ended up wondering many times if the fabric combination would work out. I even had Plan B worked out in my mind just in case. Here’s a photo I took to compare the dresses on Thursday.

I showed the dress to my mum and husband that night. My mum liked it while my husband said he could only tell when it is finished. When he came home on Friday evening, I realized he had checked out the Picnic macaron dress on my blog and told me he thought the colors from the Festivity version goes better with my skin tone. How sweet is that? I really appreciated him taking time to ponder about it and for his encouragement. Otherwise, I might not have completed the dress. Sometimes, I find it rather tough to determine if a fabric choice will turn out well for a particular project and am left wondering till the garment is completed. There were even times when a garment looked nice during fitting but the end product is hideous. How do you make a decision on your fabric choice. Is there a method that always works for you? Are there colors or prints you would never wear? I am still trying to figure that out but normally it is just a gut feel. In this case, I just happened to put two fabrics which I loved together.

I have decided to make one more dress for my dress week, inspired by this post by the Selfish Seamstress so I would be starting on a new theme next week. I’ll tell you more about the theme at the end of the week but I’ve started washing the fabrics in anticipation of it but am absolutely clueless. It is something I have never tried before and the language difference is going to be a challenge.  Nonetheless, I’m going to try my best and enjoy the process.

Have a blessed week everyone!

20 thoughts on “Festivity Macaron Dress

  1. Wow! Beautifully made! I like it… I also just washed some new fabric and intend to sew some dresses this week 🙂

    Blessed Sewing!!

  2. GORGEOUS!!!! I love both versions on you and I agree that this newest one will be just right for the Lunar New Year celebrations or any other festive season 🙂

    Glad to hear that you’re feeling much better now.

  3. Thanks Jean and Simone!
    Jean, I’ll love to see the dresses, keep me posted ok?
    Simone, I am back to operating mode but still suffers from a stuffy nose, but much better, thank God!

  4. These fabrics are great together! Sometimes when I am choosing prints for garments, I can hear the judges of Project Runway saying “she isn’t wearing that print, the print is wearing HER!” so I tend to go for pretty looks that I know won’t rock the boat. I am fairly new to sewing clothing for myself, and am still figuring out what works on me.

  5. I like both your macarons. To me sewing is all about my gut feeling too. And that’s the fun part isn’t it? Sometimes it works and sometimes not but you always end up with something you wanted, at least once upon a time. Get well soon, because I (selfishly) want to see more of the wonderful clothes you make!

  6. Thank you all! I’m feeling much better reading all your comments.

    @Jali, hmm, I guess you are right and fabric selection is part of the learning process too. You made my day and yes, I am indeed feeling better 🙂 I am looking forward to seeing more of your creations too!

  7. I really like the dress and the fabric combination is very cute, so bright and sunny! I always just pick colours and fabrics that I feel like at the moment, I don’t really have a system. And yes, when I just started there have been moments when I thought, after finishing a garment, that I made the wrong choice. But that hardly happens anymore. Most of the times, when I follow that gut feeling about a fabric and a shape, it turns out pretty much like I hoped it would.

  8. hie. your clothes are beautiful! well done you. i was wondering where you got your patterns from? did you buy them online or is there a store in singapore which sells them? do please let me know as am super excited to start sewing!

  9. Wonderful! I’ve been hunting around the internet for other people’s version of Macaron and I especially wanted to see someone who had mixed prints. I’d also like to do that with this pattern and it’s great to see that yours turned out so beautifully!

  10. Pingback: Me Made May: We’re half way there! | The Sew Convert

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